The Knowles Corner ATV Club
was established in 1996 as an all volunteer organization. Our 85 miles of club trails cover over 200 square miles in scenic Southern Aroostook County and run through nine townships:
Oakfield, Smyrna, Moro Plantation, Dyer Brook, Merrill, Dudley, Hammond, Littleton, and Hersey. Looking for a place to stay or eat while visiting our area? Please patronize our area businesses listed on our LINKS page. The Knowles Corner ATV Club extends appreciation to the following "ATV-friendly" communities who have worked with our riders in building Maine's best ATV trail system: CRYSTAL, DYER BROOK, ISLAND FALLS, LINNEUS, MERRILL, HERSEY, MORO PLANTATION, OAKFIELD, PATTEN and SMYRNA. Also special thanks to Jason Hopcus for our club logo design!